Thursday, October 23, 2008


Texas is definately the state we would move to if we could. Texans have so much pride in their state. We were really impressed by all the homes that fly the Texas flag. That is something you never see in California. Not only do they fly their flag but somewhere on the outside of their house, they tack up the lone star of Texas.

Texans work hard and they play hard. They are friendly and will wave or talk to anyone. We were amazed at even teenagers who would sit down next to us to eat and start up a conversation. One of the towns we went thru had a population of 400 people but they have 3 churches. It is a conservitive state where they don't talk about political correctness and think everything runs fine without it. God, family, country and guns are what they live by and what they think is important. No one can buy alcohol before noon on Sunday and some stores close, hanging a sign in their window that says they are closed so their employees can worship and spend time with their family.
There are big skies where the clouds are low because there is nothing to hide them. Texas is a huge state that is like a country all to itself, a place where young people say yes mam and no mam. Speed limit signs are posted for day(75) and night(65). It is the only place we've seen where a young girl can wear daisy dukes, play pool, have only one leg and no one gives her a second glance. A place where David can mistakenly go into the womens restroom, not notice that was where he was, come out and no one even notices.
Texans are proud of their sports. They love the Dallas Cowboys even when they lose(sorry Michael). It is a place where everyone makes you feel welcome, (thank you Celeste). We met nice, respectful people and had a lot of fun with some(Steve and Joy).
We are born and raised Californians and we love our state but we love Texas too and felt right at home there. Even though we are no longer there, we know the sun rises and sets in the paradise called Texas.

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