Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nicky's week with us

We brought Nick to spend the week with us. He got to go to work with us and make a little money. We had a great time and I'm sure Nick did too. He rode the golf cart with David all day, cleaned toilets and picked up trash.
We bought him a sucker at Casa de Fruita that had a scorpion in it. He ate it all until he got to the scorpion and then had us take a picture of him. We also took him up to the snow. We did not have to drive very far. He was suprised it was so cold. And as you can see, he was pooped out after a week of work.
Nick made a lot of friends here and everyone really liked him. They told us what a mannerly, nice boy he was.
We really miss him now that he is gone. Thank you Nicky for being such a good, fun boy to be with.
Happy Campers
David and Carol