Sunday, December 14, 2008


Snow started falling in Placerville

Yesterday we took a ride up to a place called Volcano. We went to look at a place that is looking for work campers. The bottom picture is the spot we would have. It is a little too primitive for us. It is near a town called Pine Grove. There is nothing there and it would be a little tight to get the 5th wheel in there. So, we decided that we wouldn't go there. While we were there it started to snow so we thought we should get back down the hill. Now there is really nothing wrong with a little snow but we know our luck. We took highway 49 and went to El Dorado. I grew up in this area so it was interesting to see the changes. We stopped at Poor Reds to eat lunch. Poor Reds has been there for as long as I can ever remember and is known all over the state. They have great bar-b-que. They are also known for their drink, the Golden Caddilac. When I was pregnant with Sarah, David would occaisionally go to Reds and get me pork dip. He would bring it home and we would sit on the floor and eat and watch soap operas. So, we went there for some pork dip. After that we went to Diamond Springs, the town I grew up in and lived the first years of my adult life in. Sarah was also born in Diamond Springs, at home. Diamond Springs holds alot of memories for me so it was nice to be there. We left there and headed to Placerville. As we were going down into town, it started to snow again. We ended up getting on the freeway and heading back down to Sacramento. Davids sister, Mary lives in Folsom so we stopped and visited on our way back home. It was a full day but we ended up staying up way too late and didn't want to get out of bed this morning. We got up to rain and it is still raining. Oh well, I guess I can't have summer weather all year long. Molly has been sick today. David bought her a new bone and she ate the whole thing. I think it made her sick. So she is now sleeping it off. Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow.
Hope to hear from everyone.
David and Carol

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