Grandson Chris, Daughter Michelle
Grand Daughter Miranda
We have finally landed somewhere for awhile. We know we will be here for at least a month.
David came to our house to pick me up but we found out the laptop that was now in San Luis Obispo was not ready yet. He decided to leave me there for the Thanksgiving holiday since he would be done with his job and back in a week.
The company doing the new jacks on the 5th wheel finally came out and got that job done. So the next week, David packed everything up and headed for home. About 100 miles down the road he had a blowout in the middle of nowhere. He called Good Sam for assistance but we did not fall under their roadside assistance program (my fault, I signed up for the wrong one). So, Terry and his dad left our house and drove all the way to David. The tire was so torn up it in turn tore up some of the underneath part of the 5th wheel and wrapped itself around some bar up there. Anyway, between the Terry and David they got it fixed and drove to a place to put air in the spare. They ended up getting home around 3 in the morning.
David was able to go and get the computer and then we were on the road to a town called Meridian, near Sacramento. We were pretty excited to go to this place because it was on the delta and only about 1 hour from my Moms. So of course we went according to mapquest (worse map program ever) and soon found the map to be wrong. After driving the hour from my Moms, the map said to turn onto 3rd street. We passed 4th and thought 3rd would be on the other side of the river, it was not. I called the RV park and they said to turn around and take 4th. Now turning around a 5th wheel on a 2 lane road is not an easy task. David finally found a wide spot in the road (he is getting quite good at this) and he made a u turn. We went back to 4th and went forever on this road. I called again and they said yes, we were on the right road. We finally got up on the levee road and saw the sign for the park. The problem of a levee road, the RV park entrance was up a hill and then a horseshoe turn down into it. Of course with a 5th wheel the size of ours, there was no way to get in there and looked like there was no way to get out. We passed it by and decided to go back to Sacramento. The main problem was that we didn't know where we were. We continued down the levee road winding back and forth on a 1 lane road. After about 20 miles, we saw our first car and pulled it over to ask directions. They gave us directions back to Sacramento.
We had planned to set up and then meet my son Michael, who was in town, for dinner. Michael, Michelle, and Allison met us at the new RV park. The plug here was different than any one we had come across so we had to go get an adapter. We finally made it to dinner and had a nice evening with our family.
The next morning David wanted to change spots because he couldn't get the 5th wheel level. So we moved to another spot. When he set up he still couldn't get it level and after some investigation found out we had a broken bracket on the suspension and the 5th wheel was resting on the tires on one side. He called Good Sam again (this time I had gotten the correct plan) and they sent someone out to fix it. $150 dollars later it was fixed. The guy that worked on it said it was pretty rare that it happened and usually when you've been driving on very winding roads. So them night before on the levee road must have done it.
After it was fixed we moved to a spot I really like. We are at the Cal Expo RV park and the new spot is right next to the horse race track so we can watch the harness races. Yesterday we went to see my Mom and Step Father and take them a Christmas tree. We stayed and decorated it and had a good visit.
We are again Happy Campers.
David and Carol
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