Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I had so much to say tonight but it is now 9:30 and I just finally got online. I will say, we are in Nevada. The wind is blowing a little but not near as much as last night. Last night we were in New Mexico and got caught in the middle of a huge windstorm. We ended up with about 4-5 hours of wind the magnitude of an earthquake. It rocked our poor 5th wheel so hard we really did feel like we were in an earthquake. Of course, neither one of us slept. I had to lay with a pillow over my head because it was so loud. David came out to the couch. We both prayed. By morning the wind had blown so hard we had about 1/2 inch of sand on everything in the 5th wheel. We left as early as we dared to and drove all day to escape what they said would be another night of wind. So tonight, yes, it is windy but it is a warm gentle wind. Tomorrow I will write some more. I'm not really sure if anyone even reads this blog because there are no comments left. So please, if you read it, just leave a little note that you read it.
Until tomorrow,
David and Carol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am reading it every night. Wind here picked up last night to 40+ mph with rain down in the 50's right now.
Paradise has gotten colder . . . oh well. Tell Buck I said Hi and tell molly to do more than f@$t.
